It was tour day! We’d been told that we would be visiting five sites. That turned out not to be true. But we thoroughly enjoyed what we saw, smelled, tasted, and did!
So, we took the dinghy to the little dock near Seahike and waited for the other tour members – as well as the driver/guide – to arrive. Upon meeting the other tour members (three of them), we learned that they are all Norwegians. This was super exciting to us as my ancestry is 100% Norwegian and Michael is half Norwegian. They were all super nice and friendly and spoke English, which was nice since we don’t speak Norwegian!
We’d read really good things about this guide and they proved to be true. He was super knowledgeable, kind and very funny and outgoing! I swear he knows just about everyone on the island!
Big picture first: We hiked to Middleham Falls, jumped into and swam in Titou Gorge, had a great lunch, then climbed up Trafalgar Falls. In between, our guide stopped the car numerous times to pick up various flora for us to taste or smell. Sometimes we just admired the item and he told us how they used it in Dominica. Other times, he asked us to identify the flora by smell. Boy, was that much tougher than I thought it would be. The Norwegians were much better at identifying the product than Michael and I were.
Now a tad more detail and photos.
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